Burn area data from xml
area namelatitudelongitudemin humiditymax humiditymin tempmax tempwind dirwind speed
Green Prairie45.02-93.22599-20500100
Saiiiint Louie44.9531-93.365125501525015
Red Prairie44.8-93.285804040015
Brown Bear45.0644-93.0135408012194515
Create a burn area
Name of burn area: Latitude: Longitude:
Min humidity: Max humidity: Min temp: Max temp:
Wind direction: Max wind speed:
result: nothing yet
Enter the name of the burn area that you want to retrieve
nothing yet
Get all burn areas
nothing yet
Update a burn area
id of the record you want to update
Name of burn area: Latitude: Longitude:
Min humidity: Max humidity: Min temp: Max temp:
Wind direction: Max wind speed:
result: nothing yet
Delete a burn area
Enter the id of the record that you want to delete
record to delete: nothing found yet

Delete success: nothing yet